Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Have Spacesuit, Will Travel

Happy July 4! This is a prototype, the most advanced spacesuit design ever built. Compared to present-day suits it is inherently lighter, safer, more flexible and comfortable. The proven principle of mechanical counter-pressure, rather than the tenuous pressure of air, protects wearers from the vacuum of Space. 60 years ago Chuck Yeager and pilots of the X-1 wore primitive suits based upon this same principle. During the 1960's more suits were built which unfortunately no longer exist. After years of experiments and enough funding to build an aircraft, this system is decades more advanced.

The skintight inner garment is a sandwich of stretchable materiels that zip on like a flightsuit. It is suitable for suborbital and Low Earth Orbit Access, like the "pumpkin suits" used today. Upon exposure to vacuum, the proprietary materiel automatically tightens to compensate. Unlike present-day soft suits, there is no loss of flexibility. The prototype is covered in silver rubber for visibility.

The helmet is adapted from a Russian design. A neck seal isolates the pressurised helmet from the rest of the suit. There are integral heating and defogging elements, and an interface with existing aircraft oxygen systems. The boots and gloves can have independent oxygen lines. A counter-pressure glove is under development. LED readouts are built directly into the forearms, which are reconfigurable to various functions and controls.

For EVA and planetary exploration, the suit can be armoured. The outer pieces on the chest and arms are made of composite materiels that are stronger than steel. The manufacturer guarantees the materiel to 250 degrees fahrenheit, or the highest likely to be encountered in Space. As on present spacecraft, multiple aluminised layers insulate the wearer from extreme cold. The outer armour can be quickly changed to adapt for different environments. When lunar explorers are ready to return home, the outer layers and all that yucky lunar regolith can be left behind on the Moon.

The torso also interfaces with a Portable Life Support System. Because the suit is easy to move in, the wearer consumes barely half the oxygen used in a present-day suit. The cooling requirements are minimal, removing the need for a Liquid Cooling Garment. This can result in reducing the volume of a PLSS by at least 50%, with the same capabilities. (The old PLSS has controls on the chest, with labels printed in reverse because the spacewalker needs a mirror on his arm to see them.)

Even if you managed to make a hole in this suit, there would be no decompression because pressure comes directly from the materiel. In the case of small holes, there would be swelling of the skin directly beneath the hole until blood clotting filled the gap. The wearer just gets a small zit. In addition to being lighter and more comfortable, suits built to this design will be inherently safer than old-fashioned suits.

This system is a force-multiplier for all aspects of human spaceflight. Orion missions will require up to 6 EVA suits. Because there will be no airlock, if one needs to go out the entire crew must suit up and depressurise the ship. Using 10-pound rather than 310-pound suits can save thousand of pounds and million of dollars. Since old Moon suits weigh 165 pounds, this system doubles the weight of people that can be landed. Hatchways and interior spaces can be made smaller. A wearable spacecraft opens new possibilities for travel to and from orbit, eventually removing the need for pressurised hulls.

NASA has issued requirements for a next-generation suit system. They want a single suit system for LEA, EVA and planetary EVA's. In case of an Apollo 13, they want crew to survive 120 hours in the suit with the visor down. They want crewmembers able to dress themselves. Current suits can not fulfill these requirements. You're Going Out In That? It may be unrealistic to expect NASA to buy this suit, but hopefully contractors will take interest in the technology.

The primary purpose of this project is safety of crews. The suit is not yet ready for Space, but is worn to investigate comfort and flexibility. Individual parts need to be tested in vacuum conditions before the suit is worn in flight. No doubt changes will be made as a result of testing, and you will hear more on this blog. After wearing the suit continuously for 12 hours, one can report that it is very comfortable and really cool!



Blogger nige said...

"Even if you managed to make a hole in this suit, there would be no decompression because pressure comes directly from the materiel. In the case of small holes, there would be swelling of the skin directly beneath the hole until blood clotting filled the gap. The wearer just gets a small zit."

Wow! That's brilliant engineering. One thing about spacesuits that's really scary to me is springing a leak.

"After wearing the suit continuously for 12 hours, one can report that it is very comfortable and really cool!"

Lucky you! It looks a really great lightweight design. Could that type of suit be used on the Moon? What about the risk of micrometerorite impacts to the torso? Would someone have to wear a flak-jacket on top of the spacesuit to protect vital organs, when there was a risk of micrometerorite showers?

8:28 AM  
Blogger nige said...

Happy Independence Day to you, by the way!

8:28 AM  
Blogger rcaron said...

I agree mechanical counterpressure suits are the way to go, but you're still going to have cooling requirements. EVA is going to be hard work no matter what, and you don't have any convective cooling capability. So you still need the LCG.

The mass savings of this suit are a real advantage, but it won't be translated into larger crews because the best lander designs use a "minimal volume" ascent stage to increase the usable payload to the surface. Larger crews means a larger minimal volume which means less usable payload to surface.

With respect to debris shielding, the velocities you are dealing with are so high that it is often not practical to protect against. There will be some protective areas for radiation (protect key bone marrow areas for healthy regeneration of blood amongst other things), thermal, & general surface wear and tear. But a flak jacket, or full blown bullet-proof vest, wouldn't do too much.

9:02 AM  
Blogger L. Riofrio said...

Nige, given your scientific expertise, your comments are appreciated. The object that created Arizona's Meteor Crater would probably damage the suit. The torso has a bulletproof inner layer, so if something did shatter the outer shell the impact would be carried away from the wearer.

Dittos, Ryan. Your comment shows the value of building and wearing a suit. Previously others thought that MCP suits would not need cooling at all. Experience has shown need for a cooling system, which has an intake visible near the belt.

This system won't lead to larger crews without major modification to spacecraft, but it does save weight that can be used for other things.

9:14 AM  
Blogger Master Bates said...

Pardon my ignorance... where was this suit designed? I heard on the news here in Sydney yesterday that an Australian team has come up with a similar-sounding suit (pardon the alliteration).

Is this the same design? I would like to be appropriately proud if possible :)

4:11 PM  
Blogger L. Riofrio said...

You may have heard of the MarsSkin suits developed by the Mars Society in Australia. These were analog suits not capable of providing pressure. You may be pleased to hear that the designer of this suit studied with an Australian university.

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For EVA and planetary exploration, the suit can be armoured. The outer pieces on the chest and arms are made of composite materiels that are stronger than steel. [...] As on present spacecraft, multiple aluminised layers insulate the wearer from extreme cold. The outer armour can be quickly changed to adapt for different environments. When lunar explorers are ready to return home, the outer layers and all that yucky lunar regolith can be left behind on the Moon.

Talk about ingenius! I was actually wondering when someone was going to redesign our space suits (as they are quite cumbersome in my opinion).

As soon as these are space ready, NASA should seriously consider purchasing these for future astronauts.

Although if our government is slow to adopt these devices, perhaps Bigelow Aerospace wouldn't mind testing these out for their astronauts (as it would give an extra degree of protection for future residents of their space hotels).

5:56 AM  
Blogger L. Riofrio said...

Thank you for the kind words, Darnell. This could be an uphill battle, but the safety of future crews could be at stake. Perhaps private industry will take an interest.

1:23 PM  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

Louise the only private industry or enterprise that will take an interest will be one heavily subsidised by government, or on a government contracrt thru NASA or ESA.

There are no ways of producing returns (or profit) in a sufficiently small timescale for private enterprise per se ...

And there are not enough billionaires or millionaires to run a 'commercial' passenger operation like Virgin tours.

The only 'paid' shuttle or rocket operations are from satellite companies, and even then because the foundations have already been laid by NASA and 'military' interests or 'national security'.

8:10 PM  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

The only driving force has to be like the cold war race to put the first man on the Moon.

To establish a Moon colony in the interests of Science and Research and because WE CAN.
No doubt there will need to be many contracts and subcontracts to private industry and private enterprise - but not viceversa. Private enterprise will not be the motor, governments or STATES will

8:13 PM  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

PS - Louise, If any Aliens see that pic, are we not at risk of being invaded? lol!

8:14 PM  
Blogger Stephen said...

Current gloves are too big to do fine work, and they can get too cold. I'd go with electric heaters. My electric socks work pretty good. That's low tech. A couple modern AA rechargables (per glove) should give you 12 hours per charge. They could be located near the gloves to minimize wiring.

3:29 AM  
Blogger Stephen said...

We'll really be in space for sure when space suits come is sizes for fat people. Whoever is wearing that looks pretty good.

3:31 AM  
Blogger L. Riofrio said...

Thank you, Stephen and Q9!

4:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a similar mechanical counterpressure suit designed by Dava Newman and colleagues at MIT. The essential idea has actually been around for quite a while. You can see Dava's report at under Funded Studies (link pasted in below)

2:19 AM  
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10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mechanical counterpressure suit is a very good idea. Unfortunately, it only works where the suit can directly contact the body and exert the counterpressure. There are still the problems of all of the inherent tiny skin folds all humans have starting at the bellybutton and ending at the thigh, and therefore miniscule voids within them, which will still be exposed to the vacuum where counterpressure cannot be applied. I fear those areas will still need to be enveloped by at least some sort of pressure barrier and exposed at least to some gas pressure to prevent damage due to exposure.

12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was googling the title phrase, since there's a movie in the works... and I wonder: did you *realize* you posted this 2 days before the Heinlein Centennial?

Or were you there and I missed you? :-)

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